Case Studies

*Note: The first section (door) of the gate is slightly angled because we mounted the gate to the existing deck post, which stood a little wider than where the gate and T-bars line up.

*Note: The first section (door) of the gate is slightly angled because we mounted the gate to the existing deck post, which stood a little wider than where the gate and T-bars line up.

Enjoying Patio Spaces

Baby Proofing Montgomery helped a young family that moved into a townhouse in Reston, VA, optimize their outdoor space. The property backed up to the woods, had a wood-floor patio, and was not fenced in. A neighborhood walking path was the only thing separating the patio from the woods. This posed too many risks for a family with young children to make use of the patio. We customized the gating system to fit the space by using multiple 24” extensions, supported by T-bars to create secure posts, to close off the 14’ patio opening. Since the deck floor was wood, the gate’s T-bars were securely screwed to the floor. We also used a brown gate to match the wood patio.


Other Case Studies

Gate with Tbar to Create Wall.jpg

A “Wall” to Mount a Gate

What happens when there is no wall along the bottom few steps or when the top stair lands beyond the newel post?

Outdoor Retractable Gate.jpg

Flexible Tools for Your Home

Baby Proofing Montgomery also uses rust-proof retractable gates for outdoor use for openings less than 6’ wide.

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Creating Safer Play Areas

Baby Proofing Montgomery converted a covered patio that was adjacent to flagstone steps into safer play area.